Focusing on #YouthSUCCESS.
Who are we?
#YouthSUCCESS is made up of leaders and champions from every sector of our business, faith, government, and non-profit sectors.
What do we hope to accomplish?
Youth Success Goals
- All youth in our community:
- know how to plan for a career or vocation and make good life choices.
- report that they have the supports to be resilient.
- feel safe in their homes, neighborhoods and schools.
- have opportunities to experience a wide range of enrichment activities.
- have families with access to programs and resources that help better support them.
How will we PURSUE these goals?
We have created Work Groups to address the following Key Objectives:
- Primary Objectives
- Increase Access to Quality Afterschool & In School Programs
- Increase Access to Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Services
- Increase Family Engagement (Traditional & Nontraditional)
- Increase Youth Vocational & Career Pathways Development
- Supportive Objectives
- Increase Communications Activities Aimed at Families & Youth
- Increase Physical Capacity to Host Expanded Programming
- Increase Access to Transportation Resources
How can YOU help?
- Join a Work Group!
- Work Groups meet monthly and focus on executing strategies to achieve their Key Objectives. You can find the strategies below.
- Click here to register for the Work Group of your choice.
- Advocate
- Let your local, state and federal representatives know that you see the need for more Youth facilities, services, and programs in your community.
- Click here for links to various officials you might be interested in contacting
Donate today to support the #YouthSUCCESSENM Initiative
Work Groups and Strategies
Objective: Increase Access to Quality Afterschool & In-School Programs
- Engage the schools to learn about existing afterschool and in-school programs, their objectives, and impact.
- Review existing school data regarding student interests in creative arts, academic enrichment, and recreational activities and determine the gaps in existing capacity versus need.
- Conduct supplemental youth needs and interest assessments as warranted.
- Engage the faith community, Cannon Air Force Base, and other key partners to identify additional existing community-based program models being delivered and develop a plan to expand these models to more youth.
- Research and implement additional programs that meet student needs and interests. Areas of interest include:
- Peer-led models (student to student),
- Mentoring,
- Emotional intelligence building,
- Resiliency,
- Bystander intervention,
- K-12th grade character development curriculum,
- Creative arts (music, theater, art, creative expression, etc.).
- Secure funding to support the development of a city/county youth activities coordinator position as well as additional funding to support expanded programming.
- Adopt and implement a home/school/neighborhood safety survey.
- Expand sponsorships and scholarships for youth sports programs (e.g. sports leagues)
- Develop a clear definition of the school’s role and involvement in sharing student information and protocols and policies for releasing information (e.g. parental consent).
- Develop an “Artists for Youth” Guild to bring volunteers together to share best practices and provide support.
- Research funding opportunities and sources including state/national foundations as well as government grants.
Objective: Increase Access to Youth Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Services
- Partner with the schools, mental health service providers, the department of health, hospitals, ministerial association, and juvenile courts to conduct a mental health needs assessment and determine the types and capacity of mental services needed.
- Engage state mental health advocacy organizations (e.g. Mental Health Association of New Mexico, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) New Mexico) and learn about existing state efforts to improve mental health resources for youth and their families.
- Developmental health education and advocacy key messages.
- Engage state legislators regarding their knowledge and commitment to expanding access to needed mental health and substance abuse services.
- Develop and implement an advocacy campaign to support increased funding and expansion of services (including increasing in-school behavioral health resources).
- Assess current mental health professional education to employment pipeline with attention to area job opportunities, recruitment strategies, and educational incentives.
Objective: Increase Family Engagement (Traditional & Non-Traditional)
- Engage the schools to learn more about existing school-based family programs and resources and the results of their parent communication research project.
- Based on the results of the school system research, identify strategies that require multi-sector support (e.g. business, faith community) and can be a platform for identifying family engagement opportunities.
- Partner with the school system, government agencies, faith community, and community-based organizations working with families to conduct a family needs assessment as warranted.
- Research and implement programs and family engagement practices that meet the needs of parents/caregivers. Areas of interest include:
- Positive family communications
- Family Resource Centers
- Peer-led approaches
- Parent training
- School readiness programs
- Family Leadership Institutes
- Family “edutainment” events
- Character development
Objective: Increase Youth Vocational & Career Pathways Development
- Partner with the school to learn about existing vocational and career development programs and activities in the schools. Use school data to better understand and assess student interest in additional vocational opportunities.
- Conduct additional youth vocational interest and needs assessments as warranted.
- Research and map existing youth internships and employment opportunities in the County.
- Identify business partners and resources that could be offered as incentives for youth and families to participate in programming (e.g. parenting skills training).
- Partner with CCC and Workforce Solutions to assess capacity and support the expansion of more employment/internship opportunities.
- Research and implement programs that strengthen vocation interest and employment readiness. Areas of interest include:
- Communication skills
- Critical and structured thinking
- Problem-solving skills
- Teamwork capability
- Self-management
- Time management
- Conflict management
- Etiquette and good manners
- Work ethic
- A “Leadership Clovis/Portales”-like a model
- Models that highlight local employment opportunities, requirements, and benefits
- Models aimed at non-traditional students
- Approaches to making trade class project better linked to community needs
- Job Interviewing
- Job Shadowing
- Engage schools in developing strategies to increase the efficacy of the “Next Step Plan/Career Cruising Plan” process and increasing student and parent engagement.
- Partner with the Chambers of Commerce to create a Youth Success Sub-Committee and facilitate a working relationship between the Sub-Committee and the youth activities coordinator (see above).
- Identify risk management and employment barriers that prevent local employers from hiring youth.
- Identify possible solutions to mitigate environmental and policy barriers.
- Engage the Career Training & Leadership Programs (DECA, BPA, etc.) to assess opportunities to support and strengthen existing programs.
- Engage CCC about their approach to mapping future local workforce trends and aligning course offerings with industry needs and future workforce competencies. (Roosevelt)
- Develop an advocacy model for influencing policies on in-school time allocation and graduation requirements that are more in line with the competencies and skills needed for local trades and professions.
Objective: Increase Efficacy of Communications Activities Aimed at Families & Youth
- Research communications vehicles and platform that include “push” technology (e.g. Nixle)
- Engage local media outlets as potential partners.
- Identify a centralized process “Owner” that will encourage cross-county information sharing.
- Identify and secure funding.
- Engage local marketing professionals and develop a marketing strategy that is targeted to families and youth.
- Implement information sharing processes.
- Ensure communications are appropriate and effective in both English and Spanish
- Include audio and visual modes of communication (e.g. robocalls, videos, etc.).
- Engage City on its plans for expanding communications/marketing staffing and systems.
- Develop a database of volunteer opportunities that support youth programming.
Objective: Increase Physical Capacity to Host Expanded Programming
- Establish a non-school based out-of-school program model, identify program management partners, and secure required funding (see Increase Access to Quality Afterschool Programs)
- Assess other structures including business and church facilities for use in delivering youth/family programs.
- Engage business and local industry sector for financial and in-kind donations (e.g. sponsorships).
- Approach the Management of the North Plains Mall regarding securing space for middle and high school-age programming. (Curry)
- Approach City regarding the future programming of the Youth Recreation Building and determine requirements for facility use. (Curry)
- Approach City regarding the future programming of the Recreation Center and determine requirements for facility use. (Roosevelt)
Objective: Increase Access to Transportation Resources
- Identify all groups and entities which transport youth for programs and services (e.g. churches) and assess potential to partner with them to develop transportation solutions for youth programs.
- Research factors preventing the development of taxi or ride-sharing (Uber, Lyft) business.
- Identify funding to purchase buses/vans and underwrite transportation costs.
- Advocate for increased efficacy of local area transit (CATS, PATS) regarding scheduling and access for families and youth.