Join Women United Today
Women United is a group of local women who support United Way of Eastern New Mexico's work by participating in networking events, fundraisers, and community service projects. Members receive quarterly newsletters and host 4 luncheons and 2 evening networking events each year.
Women United Community Allies make an annual gift of $50 or more and all those donations go to United Way of Eastern New Mexico's Game Changers fund. Game Changers is how Women United changes lives in Curry, Roosevelt, Quay, & De Baca County. The Game Changer Fund is used to help individuals overcome obstacles to jobs and opportunities helping with birth certificates and ID cost, application or training fees, and other unique situations.
We're immensely proud to share the impactful outcomes achieved by the Women United Community Allies, made possible through the generous support of individuals like you. Your contributions have empowered us to assist 3,126 families, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our 211 specialists. Notably, your support played a pivotal role in preventing eviction and utility shut-offs for 507 families, offering vital home repairs to 6 homebound individuals, and facilitating the transition of 9 homeless families into stable housing.
Moreover, your impact extended to the essential realm of identification, with 101 people receiving assistance in obtaining their birth certificates or IDs. Additionally, 96 individuals were aided with transportation, enhancing their accessibility and mobility. In addressing immediate needs, 40 families received space heaters, 5 medically necessary individuals were provided with air conditioners, and 30 box fans were distributed to families facing challenging circumstances. Your commitment to our cause has truly transformed lives and strengthened our community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for being game changers in the lives of those we serve.
Women United Community Allies passionately advocate for the empowerment and well-being of women in the Eastern New Mexico region. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative initiatives, we strive to address key issues affecting women and families, fostering a community where they can thrive personally and professionally. Our advocacy efforts are grounded in inclusivity, recognizing the diverse experiences and challenges faced by women in Curry, Roosevelt, Quay, and De Baca counties.. At our quarterly luncheons, we hear from local speakers who share their personal journey, inspire us with their passion and achievement, and motivate us to go after our goals and dreams.
Our incredible Women United Community Allies have been hard at work, dedicating their time to initiatives that uplift and empower our community. From organizing career closets to participating in our "No Worries Wall" initiative, our volunteers embody the spirit of positive change.
💙 Community Allies are seen regularly at Reality Check Day helping 9th graders with financial literacy.
💚 From helping to distribute food at the Eastern New Mexico Food Bank to being a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, our Community Allies are there.
💛 Our ongoing commitment to community well-being is reflected in the various projects undertaken by our dedicated volunteers.
We're immensely proud of the impact they're making in Curry, Roosevelt, Quay, and De Baca counties.