No Worries Wall

No Worries Wall

No Worries Wall

Remember how tough it was to be a teenager? Worried about looking good, smelling good, and impressing your peers?

That anxiety can be worse for teens whose households can't supply all the "STUFF."

All our eastern New Mexico kids deserve to feel confident and comfortable at school, so that's why United Way of Eastern New Mexico provides a NO WORRIES WALL to area middle schools, junior highs, and high schools. We managed to set up 34 walls in the past year!

When you donate funds or personal comfort items (deodorant, soap, shampoo, brushes, combs, feminine hygiene, laundry soap, tooth care, snacks, etc.) --you are erasing the worries for a local teenager!


no worries wall installed


 You are making it easier for them to get through the day and be focused on school. 


No Worries Wall

How to Help




No Worries Wall In the News