Local Impact: Today, Tomorrow, and Forever
What future do you want to create in eastern New Mexico?
Did you know that you can make an investment in our community through United Way of Eastern New Mexico that will last forever? We offer an endowment that will allow our donors to maximize the long-term, local impact of their gifts. For more information, contact Erinn Burch at unitedwayenm@unitedwayenm.org.
Leaving a Legacy through United Way's Endowment is about making a lasting gift to your community. It is about hope and vision and realizing your philanthropy goals.
Established in 1960, United Way of Eastern New Mexico has a long history of investing in our community to improve lives and strengthen the community as a whole. In 2019, the Board of Directors decided to invest in our long-term future by funding our endowment account with $100,000. The goal of this Endowment Fund is to acknowledge and support United Way ENM's vital role in the long-term health and prosperity of Curry and Roosevelt Counties for the next 60 years and beyond. The Endowment Fund provides loyal donors and supporters a way to Leave A Legacy for our future generations, investing in the United Way's mission to serve our community and its residents into the next century. For more information, contact Erinn Burch at Staff@UnitedWayENM.org.
Leave a Legacy
At United Way of Eastern New Mexico, we believe in doing the long-term work to change conditions for future generations. United Way donors like you believe in the value of being ready for the challenges and opportunities of our future, an Endowment is how we can be ready.
UWENM's Endowment holds your donations in a permanent investment fund that will always be working for the community--generating interest, earnings, and dividends to support, sustain and enhance the UWENM mission - now and into the future.
How can you support the United Way ENM Endowment?
Direct and/or Planned Giving
- Giving Directly
To give directly to the Endowment you can designate a portion of your annual United Way gift to it by check or payroll deduction. Simple. Easy.
- Making a Planned Gift
Planned Giving refers to gifts that require a bit more instruction--donating property or assets: immediately or after your death. Some Planned Giving options even give you tax or income benefits years before the gift is "realized."
A bequest in your will is one of the easiest ways to perpetuate your support of United Way of Eastern New Mexico. You can bequeath a dollar amount, a specific property, a percentage of your estate, or what is left after you have provided for your family. You may also name United Way as a residuary beneficiary in the event that others you have named may not survive you. Your attorney can assist you in making these simple revisions to your will
A home has always been a wise investment with tremendous financial benefits. By making a gift of your home or other real property now, while retaining the use of it during your lifetime, you can enjoy additional benefits. When you make a gift of your home or real property to the Endowment Fund, you continue to care for and use the property, pay the taxes and even receive any income it generates. You also receive an immediate tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the property. You do not incur the capital gains otherwise payable on the appreciation had you sold the property. And, because you have made a gift of the property by deed, it does not pass through probate at death, saving expenses and delays.
Appreciated securities are a very attractive way of making a lifetime gift to the Endowment Fund. You will receive an income tax deduction for the full current value of the securities, and you will pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation. This contribution also removes an asset from your estate, thereby, possibly reducing estate taxes upon death.
One of the simplest ways to make a significant charitable contribution in the future is to name United Way as a beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the proceeds of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for family protection. Another way to make a gift of life insurance is to take out a new policy, naming United Way as owner and beneficiary. You would continue to pay the annual premiums on the policy receiving a charitable deduction for the premiums paid each year. Upon your death, the face value of the policy, together with any accrued dividends and interest, are added to United Way's permanent Endowment Fund. Through gifts of life insurance, you can make a substantial gift without actually transferring a large number of assets and receive a charitable income tax deduction for premiums paid each year.
By making a charitable remainder trust, your contribution to the Endowment Fund can work for you in two ways. First, it enables you to support worthwhile programs in your own community. Second, it can provide you or someone you love with an income for life.
A donation in honor of a friend/colleague/loved one, or a gift in tribute to an individual's dedication to others.
Your Legacy Gift to UWENM Endowment is an investment in our local community through United Way of Eastern New Mexico that will last forever.