2022 is our tenth year to provide direct financial assistance to local residents in need…. We use “Game Changer” Funds in partnership with local organizations and churches to fill gaps & “finish the job” of helping someone in need. In 2022, we worked with Matt 25, Central Baptist Church, Lighthouse Mission, Portales Ministerial Alliance, Hartley House, GLU Factory, and various social workers to meet needs.
Because of our Game Changer work, in 2022 we helped an additional over 500 families with utilities and rent.
The counties currently covered by UWENM are Union, Colfax, Harding, Quay, Guadalupe, Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt, and Lincoln.
Our “Winter Warmth” fund allows UWENM to assist families with heaters and AC or fans when their situation becomes dire. In addition, we help gather funds for repairs that elderly and struggling homeowners can’t manage by themselves. By preserving a person’s home, we give back a family’s hope of self-sufficiency.
The real POWER of Game Changers & Winter Warmth is in the stories:
- Having everyone’s birth certificates allowed a young mother to move out of the Hartley House to her own apartment.
- With a little help making rent this month, a family did not have to scramble for a new place while the mother recuperates from emergency surgery.
- United Way replaced a broken water heater a family with two disabled adults can stop heating bath water on the stove after five long years.