Frequently Asked Questions about United Way of Eastern New Mexico
- How much of my United Way donation stays local?
- 100% of individual donations to UWENM stay in the county that you designate; supporting local programs and community building activities whether that be Curry, Roosevelt, Quay, or De Baca county.
- PLUS! We put your donations to work in the county where they are raised. Your donation will go toward grants, programs and activities in YOUR county. So you can feel confident knowing your donation is supporting your community--Neighbor helping Neighbor.
- Who makes the decisions and how does United Way of Eastern New Mexico stay accountable to donors and the community?
- Local volunteers make the decisions! The Board of Directors is made up of 19 leaders from Curry (10), Roosevelt (5), Quay (2), and De Baca (2) counties to reflect the area we serve. They are the most important level of accountability. The Board meets monthly; sets the direction of United Way; hires the Executive Director; approves and monitors the budget; approves grant funding decisions and strategy; and oversees the annual fundraising campaign.
- UWENM is a "stand alone" charity that chooses to be part of the United Way Worldwide system because of the high public trust in the United Way brand, being a United Way makes it easy to work with national and international corporate partners, and it gives our small organization access to training, research, and strategies used by over 1800 other United Ways around the world. When you give, YOU are giving LOCAL.
- Every year 20-30 community volunteers review the grant applications, listen to presentations from the applying agencies and submit the recommended funding levels to UWENM Board of Directors for approval. Because UWENM funding decisions are made by community volunteers, those decisions best reflect the needs, issues, and values of your community. The Board of Directors feels that this is the best way to ensure that UW stays true to the values of our donors.
- Financial Accountability
- Each year UWENM has an Audit completed to review our processes and accuracy of our finances.
- Each year UWENM files the IRS Form 990 describing the work and finances of the previous year.
- Each year our Annual Report is published to share how funds impacted the community and honor our donors.
- Click Year for Reports: 2023
- What charities are eligible to apply for United Way Community Grants Funds?
- Any 501( c )3 non-profit that serves residents of Curry, Roosevelt, Quay, and/or De Baca counties with programs that impact Child Well-Being/Youth Success, Income, or Health may apply for Community Grant Funds. Other criteria also apply.
- What charities am I allowed to "earmark" my donation for?
Any 501( c )3 you choose. At UWENM, your choice is honored 100%. We believe that you can be most generous when you are allowed to give where your heart leads you.
- Does UWENM fund Planned Parenthood?
- No. UWENM has never allocated grant funds to Planned Parenthood.
Questions. Comments. Suggestions.